Tuesday, December 30, 2008

End of Year 2008

Another year coming to an end since the start of the enbloc saga. We still have to wait for 2nd Feb to come. Many residents felt so let down, they no longer want to wait for any result. These includes those financially not stable. They felt it is best to move than to be caught being seen as waiting for the minority to win. There are also those who prefer not to be seen in Minton.

No one can complain about the upkeep of this place as there are too many houses rented out. These very irresponsible tenants have no feelings for Minton. They come and go. The turnover is appalling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

err - wait for minority to win? what hope is there for the minority to win? its only been endless waiting, and bullying by a few to try to stop the many. in this poor economic climate - if this really falls through, it will not be becos the minority wins, but the developer walking away - then who's the loser? All of minton rise!
irresponsible tenants? what do you expect people who cannot afford their current homes to do? let it be vacant or only wait for the well heeled tenants?